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Showing posts from August, 2023

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Dear friends and students thanks for following my blog. In order to have stable and improved online experience, I am switching to a new web address: I will share my upcoming blogs and transfer my existing writings to the new domain. I hope my efforts will help you all in your academic and professional development. See you on new domain. Take care.


Dear friends and students thanks for following my blog. In order to have stable and improved online experience, I am switching to a new web address: I will share my upcoming blogs and transfer my existing writings to the new domain. I hope my efforts will help you all in your academic and professional development. See you on new domain. Take care.

Teaching of Grammar

How To Teach Grammar Grammar is one of the core components of language, and it plays a crucial role in communication, comprehension, and expression. However, there is an ongoing debate among language teachers and researchers about how grammar should be taught in the classroom. Should grammar be taught explicitly, with clear rules and explanations, or implicitly, through exposure and practice? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? How can teachers balance the need for accuracy and fluency in their students' language use? In our academic context, explicit grammar teaching is practised in English language classes from grade one to undergraduate education. I can safely claim that despite repetitive teaching of the same language forms and rules, many students fail to master English language skills. I will explore these questions and discuss the importance of grammar teaching in the current English language teaching pedagogy. I will also provide some practical tips and ex...

Selecting a Research Topic

Selecting a Research Topic for Postgraduate Study Choosing a suitable and feasible research topic is one of the most challenging aspects of conducting a postgraduate research study. A research topic is a specific idea or question that guides your study. It should be clear, focused, and relevant to your field of interest. However, finding a research topic that meets these criteria can take time, especially if you have a broad or vague idea of what you want to study. I will offer some advice and techniques for selecting a focused research area for postgraduate study. Why is it essential to narrow down a research topic? Narrowing down a research topic has several benefits for your postgraduate research study: It helps you define your study's scope and purpose, guiding your research questions, objectives, and methods. It allows you to handle the information and literature, which can make your study unfocused and unoriginal. It helps you to demonstrate your expertise and contribution to...

ELT Methods

Contemporary ELT Methods and Approaches  English language teaching (ELT) is a dynamic and evolving field that demands adaptability and innovation to meet learners' and teachers' diverse needs and expectations. ELT faces many challenges and opportunities in Pakistan, where English is widely used for instruction, communication, and business.  However, teaching English as a second or foreign language is highly demanding in the contemporary age when students have various needs and preferences.  How can teachers adapt their methods and approaches to meet the demands of the modern world?   One of the main challenges is integrating modern ELT methods and approaches into the existing teaching practice, which is often influenced by traditional, teacher-centred, and exam-oriented pedagogy.  Here are some suggestions based on current trends and research in English language teaching.  Adopt communicative language teaching.  Communicative language teaching is an ap...

Universal Grammar

Implications of Universal Grammar for Second Language Learning What is Universal Grammar Universal Grammar (UG), a theory by Noam Chomsky, proposes that humans have an innate biological component of the language faculty that facilitates learning human languages. According to Chomsky, there are universal principles and parameters that constrain the variation among languages, and children use these innate constraints to acquire their native language from a limited and often imperfect input.  The different models of UG try to account for how UG works, what it contains, and how it interacts with other factors that influence language acquisition and learning, such as input, the native language, and performance. The Principles and Parameters Model.  This model assumes that UG consists of universal principles that apply to all languages and parameters that can vary across languages. For example, one principle is that every sentence must have a subject, and one parameter is whether th...

21st Century Skills for Pakistan

21st Century Skills  The 21st century is a time of rapid change and innovation, and teachers need to equip their students with the skills and competencies to thrive in a complex and uncertain world. Teaching and pedagogical skills are the abilities and strategies that teachers use to facilitate learning and foster student engagement, motivation, creativity, and critical thinking.  Pakistan's population is approximately 230 million people. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, about 64% of the population is under 30, and about 29% is between 15 and 29 years old. This means that Pakistan has a vast potential to harness its youth's talent and creativity and transform its economy and society through innovation and entrepreneurship. However, to realise this potential, Pakistan must invest in its higher education system and equip its graduates with relevant skills and competencies for the 21st century. The World Bank reports that Pakistan's gross enrolment ratio (GER)...

7 Principles for Smart Teaching

7 Principles for Smart Teaching  Ambrose et al. comprehensively analyse seven fundamental concepts necessary for innovative teaching in their book 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. These principles are needed for successful instruction. This book includes insightful information on evidence-based tactics that, if applied in classrooms, have the potential to significantly impact the overall quality of the educational experience for students. The material included in this book may be found in the following chapters. Within the context of this book review, I have briefly discussed each principle and its role in fostering effective teaching, eventually resulting in better learning outcomes.  Principle 1: Role of Prior Knowledge in Learning Ambrose places a significant amount of priority on finding ways for students to participate actively in their education. This concept encourages teachers to provide students with many chances to actively engage, work together with t...

Finland Educational System

Finland is home to around 5.5 million inhabitants; it is well-known for the breathtaking natural scenery that surrounds it, as well as its excellent quality of life and culture that looks to the future. The outstanding quality of Finland's educational system, which has been consistently ranked among the best in the world for many decades, is, nevertheless, what differentiates Finland from other nations on the globe. Finland's educational system is founded on fairness, autonomy, trust, and adaptability among its students. Its goal is to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, talents, or hobbies, has an equal opportunity to study and grow to the fullest extent of their ability. In addition, it helps cultivate a culture of trust among educators, students, parents, and policymakers by providing them with more leeway and responsibility in developing and implementing their pedagogies and curriculum. In addition, it is flexible enough to adjust to the shifting requ...